Your Baby’s First Dental Appointment: A Milestone for the Baby Book!

Is it time for baby’s first dental appointment?
Congratulations on your little bundle of joy! A baby’s firsts are always full of joy, and maybe a little fear and anxiety for the parent. From the first smile, to their first word, to their first tooth—these milestones are memorable moments in your child’s life. But it’s important to know when your baby should start seeing the team at Pediatric Dental Specialists and how often they should go. Part of a good health care routine is having a consistent dental health routine as well. Remember, the best care is preventative care, so make sure you’ve booked your baby’s first dental appointment at the right time.
When should I bring my baby in for their first appointment?
It’s hard to know when you should bring your child in for their first appointment. For starters, your child has few (or no) teeth for the dentist to examine! The first time your baby should have their official dental appointment is once their first tooth has started to erupt, which is right around six months. At the very least, make sure your child has seen the dentist by their first birthday.
Believe it or not, your child can start to get cavities as soon as their teeth begin to erupt. That is why it is so important to begin a good oral health routine right from the start. After your baby is done nursing or having a bottle, use a soft washcloth with warm water and massage their gums. This helps the child get used to something being in their mouth, and it also cleans away any bacteria that has been left in your baby’s mouth.
What can I expect during my baby’s first dental visit?
The first dental visit for your baby is about getting them used to the sights, sounds, and smells of the dentist, while giving the dentist a chance to evaluate how your baby’s teeth are coming in. After filling out all of the necessary paperwork, you and your child will head back to the room, where you’ll have a chat about your child’s oral health. It’s important for us to know when their first tooth erupted, if there have been any issues while teething, and if there are any overall health issues with your child.
To begin, the team at Pediatric Dental Specialists will have you sit in the dental chair with your baby on your lap. This position will allow your child to be comfortable in your arms as the dentist performs their evaluation. During the complete dental evaluation, the dentist will examine your child’s teeth and gums to see how their teeth are coming in and aligning in their mouth. They will check for any dental issues during the evaluation.
After the dentist is done, they may ask if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s dental health. This is the time for you, the parent, to ask any questions you have, like how to properly brush baby’s teeth, or when their next teeth should erupt. There are no wrong questions—the staff at Pediatric Dental Specialists are here to answer your questions and calm your fears!
Get ready for baby’s first appointment.
Leading up to your baby’s first dental appointment, you can prepare them by gently massaging their gums with a clean, soft washcloth. Practice holding your baby in a chair and leaning back so they can get used to the position they will be in at the dentist.
Dentists recommend that when making your baby’s first appointment, you choose a time when you know they are going to be awake and active. You don’t want to book an appointment that is near or during nap time, as your child could become fussy and uncooperative during the appointment. You might even bring your child’s favorite comfort toy for additional reassurance.
The goal of a first dental appointment is to be stress-free for baby and parent and to get used to what goes on at the dentist’s office. This is also the time for parents to ask any burning questions they may have about their child’s dental health.
Schedule an appointment today!
If your baby already has a tooth that has erupted, or they are nearing their first birthday, it is time to make their first appointment at Pediatric Dental Specialists in Omaha, Nebraska. Our staff specializes in children’s dentistry and loves to work with children of all ages to ensure their smiles are happy and healthy. If your baby is ready for their first dental visit, give us a call today to schedule their appointment!