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Sedation Dentistry for Kids

5 Facts about Sedation Dentistry for Kids

Sedation dentistry can improve your child’s experience at the dentist. Feeling nervous during dental appointments is a normal response for kids, especially younger children who are still very new to visiting the dentist. With the help of a parent and a caring pediatric dentist, most kids can work through their worries with time and exposure.…
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Middle Schooler Orthodontic Evaluation

Should My Middle Schooler Have an Orthodontic Evaluation?

It’s never too late for your child’s orthodontic evaluation. Did you know the American Association of Orthodontics recommends parents bring their kids in for an orthodontic evaluation as early as seven years of age? If this comes as a surprise, you’re not alone. Parents often wait until their child has lost most or all of…
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team member working with a young patient

8 Ways to Help a Child Who’s Afraid of the Dentist

The dentist can be a fun, happy place. Seeing the dentist regularly will help you have a healthier, happier life. And there is no time in history where dental visits are more comfortable and convenient than they are today. However, studies show that more than half of adults are afraid of going to the dentist.…
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Dental Anxiety

How to Resolve Your Own Dental Anxiety to Help Both You and Your Child

Are you worried your dental anxiety will rub off on your child? One of the most rewarding aspects of parenthood is watching as our children grow and learn more about the world around them. Part of that unique experience is also seeing how our viewpoints on certain things can affect our children’s outlook. Unfortunately, that…
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Is it time for an orthodontic checkup?

Why Are Orthodontic Evaluations for Children So Important?

Every child can benefit from an orthodontic evaluation. If you’re a parent, you likely went to your first orthodontic consultation when you were about 13 years old, so orthodontic treatment probably isn’t on your radar as your child nears second grade. You might even think it sounds strange when their pediatric dentist mentions that your…
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Great kids' books about going to the dentist

The 10 Best Books to Read to Kids About Going to the Dentist

Transform your child’s dental appointments from scary to fun. If we’re honest, taking your child to the dentist can be a harrowing and exhausting experience for both you and your little one, especially if it’s their first visit. The unfamiliarity of the dental office can be overwhelming for your child when they don’t know what…
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Oral Health And Preventive Pediatric Dentistry

Everything You Need to Know About Preventive Pediatric Dentistry

You must take an active role in protecting your child’s oral health. Preventive pediatric dentistry aims to help your child develop healthy teeth and keep their teeth and gums healthy, preventing cavities and gum disease. While dentists can do a lot to help protect your child’s oral health, they don’t have contact with your child…
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A Parents’ Guide to Healthy Teeth for Kids

Healthy Kids, Healthy Teeth: A Parents’ Guide to Dentistry for Kids

Keep your kids’ teeth healthy with ease. It is a common misconception that children aren’t as susceptible to oral health problems. Parents often assume that since children will lose their baby teeth, there is no need to worry until adult teeth start appearing. However, tooth decay and cavities are common problems among children. These can…
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Child Need Pediatric Cosmetic Dentistry?

Why Would a Child Need Pediatric Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry isn’t just for adults. Did you know that cosmetic dentistry is an option for your child or teen? Cosmetic dentistry is a category of dental care that focuses mostly on improving the look of a patient’s smile. It is is very popular for adults, but many parents aren’t aware of how it can…
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Secret Life of a Molar

The Secret Life of a Molar

If your teeth could talk, what would they say? From your toes to your nose and your knees to your teeth, your body is extraordinary. If each part of your body could talk, what do you think they would say? Your toes might talk about the thrill of touching the grass, while your nose might…
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Healthy Role Model for Your Kids

10 Ways to Be a Healthy Role Model for Your Kids

Encourage your kids to develop lifelong healthy habits by example. As a parent or caregiver, you are your kids’ biggest role model. Naturally, this means your lifestyle habits will have a profound impact on how your kids grow and develop their own habits over time. Parents can guide their kids in a number of ways,…
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10 Tips for Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits in Your Kids

10 Tips for Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits in Your Kids

Help your kids develop a healthy relationship with food by trying these effective tips. Your child’s diet affects just about every facet of their physical and mental development, from their future adult health to how they perform in school. Healthy eating habits reduce the risk of your child developing diseases, such as heart disease and…
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