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Tooth whitening for teens with tooth discoloration

10 Causes of Tooth Discoloration in Teenagers

Why would a teenager need professional tooth whitening? The majority of us consider our smile to be our most important social feature. It’s often the first thing someone notices, after all. Almost everyone ends up with a form of tooth staining at some point in their life, whether it is yellowing due to age or…
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Summer fun in Omaha NE

10 Things to do in Omaha—Summer Edition

Time for some fun in the sun in Omaha NE! Sunshine is a powerful thing. It boosts your vitamin D, improving both your physical and mental health. Now that the weather is warming up, the kids are restless, you’re likely beyond ready to get out of the house and make some memories. But sometimes, it’s…
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How to get my child to eat veggies

5 Smart Ways to Encourage Your Child to Eat Their Fruits and Veggies

You’ve heard since childhood that you must eat your fruits and veggies. They provide valuable nutrients that contribute to overall growth and development—and they are good for your teeth! Apples, for example, are nature’s toothbrush and can clean your teeth until you have time to brush and floss.  Unfortunately, not all fruits and veggies are…
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How to avoid pacifier teeth

Are There Certain Pacifiers That Are Better for My Baby’s Teeth and Mouth?

What kind of pacifier should I be giving my baby? There are many types of pacifiers out there and many different designs. How does a parent know which one to choose? Is one kind of pacifier better than another? Will using a pacifier affect my baby’s teeth and mouth? At Pediatric Dental Specialists, we are…
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What happens if a child chips a tooth

What Should Parents Do if Their Child Falls and Chips a Tooth?

The sad truth is that as much as we might want to, we can’t wrap our kids in bubble wrap. We can’t lock them away, hoping they will never get hurt. Kids will be kids. Sometimes they bump into things, and sometimes, they trip and fall. In most cases, kids will get back up and…
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Stainless steel crowns for children

7 Benefits of Stainless Steel Crowns for Children

Sometimes, despite parents’ best efforts, kids get cavities. And treating a cavity in a baby tooth is just as important as treating a cavity in a permanent tooth. If your child develops a cavity, the dentist will likely treat it with a filling or a dental crown. Fillings are best suited for minor tooth decay…
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Toothbrushing tips for kids with disability

7 Tips for Easy, Happy Tooth Brushing for Your Child With a Disability

The best ways  to keep dental care fun and stress-free. Children with sensitive developmental and behavioral needs can often find brushing and flossing to be overstimulating, frustrating, or simply a little boring. At-home dental care is crucial for preventing cavities and pediatric gum disease, so it’s important for parents to find solutions that mesh with…
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Tips to promote healthy baby development

6 Things That Promote Healthy Baby Development

A Guide to Promoting Healthy Development in Babies Being a new mom can be challenging, especially when providing the best care for your baby. Many new moms worry about whether or not they are doing a good job and what the dentist thinks. However, there are many things you can do to promote healthy baby…
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Take care of tooth pain

How To Tell If Your Child’s Tooth Pain Is A Dental Emergency

Is my child’s tooth pain a dental emergency? If your child is experiencing tooth pain, you may be wondering just how big of a deal it is. Does my child need to seek medical attention, or is it something that can wait? Can I take care of a simple toothache at home? If your child…
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Early orthodontic intervention

What Is Early Orthodontic Intervention and Is It Right for Your Child?

An early orthodontic evaluation can help you prevent issues for your child later. As a parent, you naturally want your child’s teeth and gums to develop well. In your quest to keep them as clean and healthy as possible, you may also notice issues with alignment. Sometimes these issues are obvious, and braces are on…
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Best dentist for child on the spectrum

​​How to Find the Best Dentist for Your Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Specialized Care for Your Child Finding a dentist for your family can be challenging; and if your child is on the autism spectrum, it may feel impossible. Children on the spectrum may have different experiences at the dentist than other children. There are new things to hear, see, and touch that can easily create a…
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Tooth-colored fillings are best

What Are All of the Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Want to learn more about dental fillings? You’re at your pediatric dentist near Omaha when you get the unwanted news—your child has a cavity. You may have a million questions, including whether you should get silver or white fillings. Before making that decision, it’s best to learn more about dental fillings, starting with the benefits…
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