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Dental sealants can save your you some money later

Save Time, Money, and Pain With Dental Sealants

Discover how dental sealants can prevent tooth decay. Many parents are familiar with fluoride and its ability to help protect their children’s teeth. And although fluoride is a beneficial weapon in children’s dentistry and the fight against tooth decay, it is limited in its ability to protect the whole tooth since it only works on…
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Find the best pediatric dentist for your child

We Understand You Want the #1 Pediatric Dentist in Greater Nebraska

Selecting the right dentist for your child can seem like a daunting task. But it doesn’t need to be. So when it is time to start looking for a dentist in Nebraska, or you are online searching for the best pediatric dentist near me, you can stop looking now. We think you’ve found it. We…
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Get the best dental care out there for your child

Your Kids Deserve the Best Dental Care in a Safe and Fun Environment

As parents, we want our children to be safe and have fun, enjoyable, and productive lives. For this reason, we look for activities that are safe and fun in everything that they might do and explore. When it comes to the dentist, it should be no different. After all, your kids deserve the best in…
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Take care of those baby teeth

Yes, Even Baby Teeth Need Treatment

It’s easy to think that since babies grow up and eventually lose their primary teeth, that those baby teeth don’t need dental treatment. But, the truth is that baby teeth need treatment too. Without the proper dental care, your baby or toddler can develop a cavity in those little teeth, leading to toothache or other…
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Busting the baby teeth myths

5 Baby Teeth Myths You Shouldn’t Fall For

There are so many things for new parents to pay attention to when caring for their babies or toddlers. And it seems that these little ones don’t come with an instruction or care manual. That can leave many parents scratching their heads, wondering what to do to help their children grow into strong, healthy, and…
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What to do if you child has crooked teeth

How to Fix Your Kid’s Crooked Teeth

Are your child’s permanent teeth coming in crooked? It’s perfectly natural for you to be a little concerned about the way your child’s permanent teeth are growing, particularly if they’re coming in crooked. You know the importance of a healthy, beautiful smile, and you’d love your child to enjoy all its benefits. What parent wouldn’t?…
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Thumbsucking - when it's ok and when it's not

Does Thumbsucking Affect Your Child’s Teeth?

What Every Parent Should Know About Thumbsucking It’s helpful for parents to remember that toddler thumbsucking is perfectly normal. Children pick up this habit while in the womb as a means of providing comfort and security. Part of the reason for this is that the sucking motion is a natural reflex in newborns that helps…
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Symptoms of TMJ

5 Symptoms of TMJ in Kids You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptoms of TMJ in Children and Treatment Options As a parent, it can be difficult to watch your child go through pain, whether it’s a boo-boo from a tumble during play or an emotional response from forgetting their favorite lovey at a friend’s house. You may have built up a couple of go-to fixes for…
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Find relief from mouth sores

Get Instant Relief for Mouth Sores with These Home Remedies

What to Do When Your Child Has Mouth Sores Mouth sores in kids have many causes, including  minor injuries from biting the lip, cheek, or tongue; vigorous toothbrushing or the use of a hard-bristled toothbrush; irritation from orthodontic devices like braces; picky eating or a vitamin B12 or zinc deficiency; intolerance to gluten; genetics; or…
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boy smiling

Handy Home Remedies for Gingivitis in Kids

When you hear about gingivitis, you may imagine a dental condition that only impacts adults. But gingivitis in kids is more common than you might think. Thankfully, when kids visit the dentist regularly, you can catch gum disease early on and implement a treatment plan to reverse it. There are also home remedies that parents…
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girl smiling

Dental Sealants vs. Fillings for Cavities

Have you ever been to the dentist and been left scratching your head about what you heard? The chances are that this has happened to you, and one of the concepts that our patients have told us they have found confusing relates to fillings and sealants. So, we wanted to take some time to clear…
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baby chewing on a teething ring

Home Remedies for Baby Teething Symptoms

It’s so disheartening to see your baby teething. Those flushed cheeks and the endless drool, along with an irritable baby that can’t be soothed, isn’t just heartbreaking, it can be frustrating too. So when your baby is showing signs of teething, it is inevitable you want to bring them some comfort. Thankfully, there are some…
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