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baby chewing on a teething ring

Home Remedies for Baby Teething Symptoms

It’s so disheartening to see your baby teething. Those flushed cheeks and the endless drool, along with an irritable baby that can’t be soothed, isn’t just heartbreaking, it can be frustrating too. So when your baby is showing signs of teething, it is inevitable you want to bring them some comfort. Thankfully, there are some…
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girl holding apples and smiling

Subtle Ways to Kick Your Kid’s Sugar Cravings With Healthier Eating Habits This Year

7 Ways to Curb Your Child’s Sweet Tooth Cravings and Build Better Eating Habits Sugar addiction is a big problem for many parents and their children. Trying to break unhealthy eating habits and curbing cravings for sweets can feel like a battle, but the reward is a happy child with a healthier body, brain, and…
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Christmas games for the whole family

7 Exciting Family Game Ideas to Liven up Your Christmas

With people all over the world looking forward to getting together with loved ones in person this holiday season, it’s only natural to be looking for games and activities to bring people closer together. Now that we all know the importance of washing our hands, staying home when we are sick, and practicing social distancing…
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Cosmetic dentistry for confident kids

Give Your Child the Confidence They Crave With Cosmetic Dentistry for Kids

Why consider cosmetic dentistry for kids? When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, most people think it’s just for adults. After all, dental veneers, tooth whitening, enamel bonding, and Invisalign are most often seen in adults. But there are situations where cosmetic dentistry for kids can serve an important function. And for parents who want their…
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Early orthodontic treatment is better for your child

Why Orthodontic Prep Work Saves Your Child Some Pain

Early orthodontic evaluation helps your kids’ dentist better treat certain dental problems. If you have a young child between the ages of six and eight, your family dentist or pediatric dentist has likely spoken with you about the need for your child to have an early orthodontic evaluation. This is a natural step and is…
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Handwashing keeps the germs at bay

Most Common Handwashing Mistakes and How To Fix Them

Common Hand Hygiene Mistakes When it comes to handwashing, kids and adults alike fall into one of two camps: the ones who reach for the soap first or the ones who turn on the tap first. Both groups of people would probably lay down their lives believing their way is right, but the CDC recommends…
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Is teeth whitening safe for my child

Is Professional Whitening Safe for Your Kid’s Teeth?

Is Teeth Whitening Safe for Kids? As we get older, our teeth start to yellow. And though tooth discoloration isn’t usually noticeable until adulthood, it can affect kids too. Excessive consumption of dark-colored soda and sugary candy is one of the most common contributors to tooth discoloration, but family genetics can also play a role.…
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All about space maintainers

Does Your Child Need Space Maintainers?

Many parents think nothing of it when their children lose baby teeth prematurely. And, early loss of baby teeth happens far more often than we might think due to trips, falls, and other accidents. But, unfortunately, when those baby teeth come out early, it can cause problems for erupting permanent teeth. So, if your child…
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Help your child take care of their adult teeth

Help Your Child Hang on to All Their Adult Teeth

We only get two sets of teeth in our lifetime. It is a parent’s responsibility to help children learn the proper oral hygiene habits to protect those baby teeth and keep them healthy and strong. And in teaching children those skills to take care of their baby teeth, parents indirectly teach their children critical skills…
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Fun tooth-related science experiments for kids

4 Fun Tooth-related Science Experiments for Kids

Have fun while learning about your teeth! Are you looking for fun and engaging ways to get your kids excited about their dental health? Science experiments can be a great way to keep their attention and offer hands-on exploration. These fun ideas can help you turn abstract ideas into tangible, real-world concepts that even the…
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Kids and dental crowns

Does Your Child Need Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns offer a helping hand in saving kids’ teeth. When trouble strikes in the form of a cavity, basic fillings aren’t always enough to save a child’s tooth. To prevent the premature loss of your child’s important baby teeth, a pediatric dentist can instead save them with protective dental crowns. Placing a dental crown…
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Take care of your child's sensitive teeth

7 Common Reasons for Your Kid’s Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive Teeth in Kids and What You Can Do About It As a parent, you naturally want your children to feel as happy and healthy as possible. That’s why it can be disheartening to hear them complain about a toothache or sensitive teeth. In many cases, the pain could be caused by sensitivity. There are…
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